I’ve been writing a few nuget packages lately, to try and promote best practices in build and deployment code.
Nuget caches packages in multiple places on your local machine, this can lead to a lot of confusion if a stale package is used instead of a proper one built by the CI server.
I’ve found myself deleting my nuget caches regularly and have written a simple function which i’ve found useful:
function nuke-get(){
$caches = nuget locals all -list
foreach ($cache in $caches){
$cacheSplit = $cache.Split(":")
$cacheName = $cacheSplit[0]
$cachePath = $cache.Replace("$cacheName`: ", "")
Write-Host "Deleting cache '$cacheName' at '$cachePath'"
if(Test-Path $cachePath){
Remove-Item -path "$cachePath\*" -Recurse
} else {
Write-Host "Nothing at path"
Write-Host "Done"
This function requires for the nuget
executable to be on your PATH. To use this function it’s easiest to add it to a powershell profile.